
Ciolino Resuttano, Caltanissetta, Via Libertà , 91

Price rates

€ 88 average price per room/bed (the price is per 1 night only)

Info & Description

The farm is equipped with a variety of self-contained apartments, a restaurant and community area all of which are harmoniously in keeping with the surroundings.
The warmth of timber and local stone frame the spectacular views from this natural haven of rest, without a sign of human pollution but with the perpetual beauty of the seasonally changing colours.
Many sports facilities are available, ranging from horse-riding to trekking; there is the nearby Madonie National Park and Nature Conservation Area with its history and art; there are local wines, olive oil, cheeses, preserves, home-cured meats and home-reared beef to taste - all things to make a stay varied and enjoyable.


  • 3 bed/s private with Watercloset (bathroom)
  • 4 bed/s private with Watercloset (bathroom)
  • double bed private with Watercloset (bathroom)

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