160 Moo 14 Sanambin Rd MuangPrice rates
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Info & Description
“ A sparkling gem of Chiang Rai with a truely great impression” Laluna Hotel&Resort is nestled in a beautiful garden amid a prime location of Chiang Rai, serves you with the 79 modern Thai style houses that are fullyEquipped with international standard amenities.When you stay at Laluna
Hotel&Resort, you will feel like staying at your home. A warm and friendly family Management will make your stay in Chiang Rai more memorable. With its neatly Selected facilities, Laluna Hotel&Resort will ensure that you will get the atmost in
Comfort and privacy during your stay. Our facilities are open-air lobby with
Wireless internet service, free form swimming pool, jacuzzi and mini beautiful Restaurant.
- Air conditioning
- Parking lot
- Laundry
- Internet access
- Internet access
- Bar
- Swimming pool
- Restaurant
- Room service
- 2 bed/s private with Watercloset (bathroom)